Truck Repair
The company "Ferikas" provides high-quality service and repair services for tractors, buses and trucks. We also repair rescue vehicles. Accumulated long experience of more than twenty years allows the work to be done quickly and reliably, so that the machine can work again as soon as possible.
Service work includes a wide list of services from the smallest correction or fixing work to body straightening and painting. Truck service services are constantly improved and optimized in order to provide better services that are valued by regular customers.
"Ferikas" has one of the largest supply of new and used parts in the Baltic States, so we offer a wide selection of parts for repair work, which does not require time for their delivery. We specialize in the supply of vehicle parts and repair services for European tractor manufacturers.
It is not always possible to foresee malfunctions or predict accidents and prepare for them. Ferikas is ready and we can help to get the tow truck out of the car accident scene and provide fast service. If you need to return a tractor, truck or other heavy vehicle to the road - get in touch.
UAB "Ferikas" performs the following in the service of truck bodies:
- Tractors, trucks, buses, semi-trailers, bodies for various purposes, spec. repair of machinery after traffic accidents.
- Measuring and leveling the geometry of frames and bodies
- Preparation and painting of tractors, trucks, buses, semi-trailers, minibuses.
- Running repairs - Chassis (suspension) repair
- Cooling system repair
- Hydraulic system installation and repair
- Fuel tanks installation,
- Replacement of mattresses, airbags, etc. i.e.
All repairs are covered under warranty
At the customer's request, we can bring a damaged or broken vehicle to UAB "Ferikas" service with our own transport.
For more information about repair work, please ask:
Tel: +370 612 47998
Tel: +370 614 58315
Email: servisas@ferikas.lt
We communicate with all insurance companies. We prepare and coordinate repair estimates. In a specialized truck service, we repair cars after traffic accidents. For repair work, we can offer a wide selection of used auto parts from our wrecked trucks and tractors. With certified Swedish JOSAM equipment, we compare truck frames, cabins, perform geometry restoration, preparation and painting works.
Accomplished works

Restoring the cabin geometry after an event

Volvo FMX 6X4 repair after a car accident

Repair of a MAN TGL 8.210 special purpose truck after an incident

DAF XF 106, 2019 repair after a car accident

MAN TGX tipper, 2011.

Scania R580, 2006 body and cabin renewal

Mercedes-Benz MP4, 2012 tractor frame straightening after trimming

Mercedes-Benz, MP4, 2015 alignment of the tractor frame